Marmalade Lane
Cambridge, United Kingdom has established its first co-housing complex named Marmalade Lane designed by Mole Architects. With the recognition of the government establishing co-housing developments as a viable form of housing, and custom built homes on the rise, Marmalade Lane consists of a variety of housing options that are sustainable. Overall, the development consists of 42 homes that range from 2-5 bedrooms all including a terrace. An integral portion of the design of the complex included a high sense of community among the residents.
The word co-housing has an interesting connotation that makes people think “I am living with strangers” or “I am sharing my personal space with someone I do not know.” However, Marmalade Lane allows residents to have a sense of community engagement while living their relatively private lives. The character that the design creates a variety of home types as well as aesthetics allows residents to feel like my space is different from my neighbors.
One integral portion of the Marmalade Community is the Common House that is the core of the entire community. This space includes a double heighted hall that overlooks the community garden, communal facilities as well as three guest bedrooms. This is an interesting amenity to include because it allows residents to have a space for guests that is not a wasted bedroom in their home.
Marmalade Lane is a great precedent for future co-housing developments that allow for large and small families to come together and develop a sense of community.
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