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Fareground at One Eleven

Fareground at One Eleven is located in Austin, Texas and was designed by the architects Michael Hsu Office of Architecture completed in 2018 on a ¾ acre site. With a location in downtown Austin, Fareground strives to liberate the once lost landscape of Austin into sunken urban plaza. This project’s main goal was encompassed in creating an environment that strives for community engagement that allows gathering places, socializing settings and entertaining.  With a prime location at the ground floor level of an old office tower in downtown Austin, the urban landscape struggled to create an engaging identity due to the lack of tenants on the ground floor level of the tower. With that developers knew the importance of incorporating the ground floor interior with the exterior landscape in the redevelopment plans. This led the ground floor to have a complete renovation of the lobby which included a food hall as well as the urban plaza.  Community engagement was an important factor i...

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